A Night and the Museum ... Berlin 2O24

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Maxi is cute, Ella too. The best is me. -Berlin

And the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls...

in Alexanderplatz... The TV tower and the World Clock

All dressed up...

with somewhere groovy to go, the Neues Museum's ancient  Egypt collection!
King Amenemhet . 1840-1800 BCE

and a bit of exploring on our night in the city . Brandenburger Tor . 1788 CE

no weapons or taxes for genocide

would be great

statuette of a hybrid goddess . 3100-2700 BCE

the actual Nefertiti bust is there! Sadly, no photos allowed... 
but here are some other museum photos before we hit the streets again

400-200 BCE

colossal fragment (58cm tall), probably Alexander the Great . 200 BCE

1340 BCE

Akhenaten, Nefertiti and three daughters beneath a sun god . 1345 BCE

painted ceramics . 2nd century BCE . Cypress

900-800 BCE . Cypress . but could be Chaco

first half of the 2nd century BCE

statue of a squatting hawk . 1388-1351 BCE

Queen Amanitore . 1-25 CE

sarcophagus detail

papyrus . Book of the Dead . ca 1900 BCE

Tablet with inscription of foundation document of Adad-Nirari I . 1295-1263 BCE
The account ends with a curse: May the gods punish anyone who alters the wording.

Book of the Dead

sarcophagus with writing inside . ca 600 BCE

son of Horus Duamutef (with Jackal head) . 746-332 BCE

Canopic jar (for holding entrails) . 100-800 BCE

young woman with cat . 1292-1186 BCE

sculpture models . 664-250 BCE

Akhenaten . ca 1340 BCE

royals in relief . "Stroll in the Garden" . 1335 BCE

Akhenaten . 1345 BCE

gods on the red carpet . colossal statue of a goddess . 138-161 CE

goddess Sakhmet . 1360 BCE

Helios . 138-161 CE

time wounds all heels

back to the city streets . Berliner Dom . TV tower

... and adios Berlin. Till next time.